Ceremonial opening of Parliament for Feb 15

Source: Jamaica Observer
KINGSTON, Jamaica -The 2024/2025 parliamentary year will commence on Thursday, February 15, 2024, with the time-honoured Ceremonial Opening of Parliament to be held at Gordon House.
Governor-General Sir Patrick Allen will deliver the Throne Speech outlining the Government's legislative agenda for the upcoming parliamentary year.
This year's event is expected to see the full slate of invitees: parliamentarians and their guests, State officials, custodes, mayors, and members of the diplomatic corps.
The ceremony will also see the traditional 'March to Gordon House' led by the prime minister and the leader of the Opposition and will be broadcast live via the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica, the Jamaica Information Service, and other platforms.
Following the ceremony, the House of Representatives will reconvene at 2:00 pm for the tabling of the 2024/2025 Estimates of Expenditure.
The Parliament will prorogue, or close the 2023/2024 parliamentary year on Tuesday, February 13.