Man killed, woman found unconscious in Portmore gun attack

Source: Jamaica Observer
ST CATHERINE, Jamaica - A man was shot dead by gunmen on Steven Avenue in a community called Compound in Gregory Park, Portmore, St Catherine on Sunday afternoon.
A woman was also found unconscious besides the dead man. It is believed she fainted during the shooting.
The deceased has since been identified as 32-year-old Sheldon Chambers, otherwise called 'Crocs', from Stevens Avenue.
Information received is that around 4:45 pm, residents heard explosions near the entrance to Chambers' premises.
They later made checks and found Chambers lying motionless on the ground, suffering from what appeared to be gunshot wounds. A woman was seen lying motionless beside him.
The police were summoned, and both 'victims' were rushed to the Spanish Town Hospital, where doctors pronounced Chamber dead. The woman was examined, and no visible injuries were observed on her. She was subsequently released.
No motive has yet been established for the killing, the police said.