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Ethical investment for FNPF - The Fiji Times

Ethical investment for FNPF - The Fiji Times

Source: The Fiji Times
Author: Elena Vucukula

The Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF) will commit to investments that are ethical, with the focus on sustainable, resilient and responsible investment that will generate returns today and in the long term.

This was the word from FNPF chief executive officer Viliame Vodonaivalu at its annual member forum in Ba.

Speaking at the forum, Mr Vodonaivalu said they would take measures to grow the fund considering the impact on environment and society.

"Our strategy is centred on diversity, environmental, social and governance (ESG) and on national development," he said.

"I would like to highlight some projects that are ongoing -- Westin Resort guest room block renovation is on track with Fletcher Construction as our main contractor for both the guest room and roofing.

"Phases are nearly completed, and consultants are finalising the tender process.

"The revised Westin refurbishment is expected to take 18 to 24 months, target completion is on the 3rd quarter of 2024."

Mr Vodonaivalu said Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva would be rebranded to Intercontinental brand under the IHG portfolio.

"The mockup room refurbishment is underway, interior design and service engineering consultant for this project has been appointed," he said.

"The building contractors for the mockup room is in the tender process and revised construction program aim for completion by February 2024."