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UPDATE: Beryllium security guard killed in apparent accidental shooting identified

UPDATE: Beryllium security guard killed in apparent accidental shooting identified

Source: Jamaica Observer

KINGSTON, Jamaica -- The Beryllium security guard who was killed during an apparent accidental shooting on Tuesday morning has been identified.

The deceased man is Kevon Hunter, a member of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) reserves.

Hunter was reportedly fatally shot in the chest on the compound of Beryllium's Blake Lane headquarters in Kingston by a man who is also employed with the security company.

READ: WATCH: Beryllium guard dead after apparent accidental shooting

Reports are that around 11:15am Hunter was running towards one of the company's trucks in a bid to open the door for his co-worker. The co-worker, who was in the process of holstering a Glock pistol, was reportedly trying to close the vehicle door when his finger caught on the trigger of the firearm, causing it to discharge a round, hitting Hunter in the upper chest.

Hunter reportedly fell to the ground and was assisted to the Kingston Public Hospital where he died while undergoing treatment.

The security company in a release confirmed the incident, adding that it is working closely with the police in their investigation.

"At this time, we are working closely with the police in their investigations and extend our sincere condolences to the family of our beloved team member," the release said.

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