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Israeli PM proposes plan for post-war Gaza

Israeli PM proposes plan for post-war Gaza

Source: The Nation

JERUSALEM - Is­raeli Prime Minister Benja­min Netanyahu has proposed a plan for post-war Gaza that envisions local Palestinian of­ficials without links to Hamas or its foreign backers gov­erning the territory. The pro­posal, swiftly rejected by the Palestinian Authority, was submitted to Netanyahu's se­curity cabinet late Thursday and would also see the Israe­li army persisting in its war on Hamas until it achieves key goals. Those include dis­mantling Hamas, and secur­ing the release of all hostages, according to the proposals, which were seen by AFP on Friday. After the war ends, Gaza's civil affairs would be run by "local officials with administrative experience". A key element of the plan was the dismantling of the UN agency for Palestinian refu­gees, UNRWA. Israel has al­leged that several employ­ees of UNRWA took part in the October 7 attack on Isra­el that resulted in the deaths of about 1,160 people, ac­cording to an AFP tally based on official Israeli figures. The United Nations sacked the employees accused by Isra­el and has begun an internal probe of the agency. Since the Israeli allegations emerged several countries have sus­pended their funding to the agency. Some elements of the Netanyahu plan conflict with Washington's vision for post-war Gaza.

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