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BOSETU fights BIUST's 'unilateral' statutes

BOSETU fights BIUST's 'unilateral' statutes

Source: Mmegi Online
Author: Mpho Mokwape

The Botswana Sectors of Educators Trade Union (BOSETU) is at loggerheads with Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) over the university statutes that were 'unilaterally' implemented without consultation with the union.

BOSETU has taken BIUST to the Industrial Court arguing that the university breached the Collective Labour Agreement (CLA), which was concluded and registered by the two parties.

The union, in its court papers, said the CLA was put in place so that the parties can maintain harmonious industrial relationship and that the union is able to negotiate and bargain for its members. "The trade dispute in issue is the breach of the CLA concluded between the parties on the basis that the union was not afforded the right to be heard as provided under the CLA before the university's unilateral variation of the conditions of employment of the union's members," said the union. The alleged implementation of the university's statutes was meant to address the employees' condition of service among others employees, performance and salary increments.

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