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Bullocks over 500kg average €2.94/kg at Ballinrobe Mart -

Bullocks over 500kg average €2.94/kg at Ballinrobe Mart -

Author: Breifne O'Brien

Ballinrobe Mart in Co. Mayo hosted its weekly general cattle sale on Wednesday, February 21, with the average price for heifers over 500kg hitting €2.83/kg, and bullocks over 500kg hitting an average price of €2.94/kg.

In a report from the sale, mart manager Teresa Gibsey explained that heifers stayed "a moving trade", with prices ranging from €600 to €1,700/head or €2.08-3.67/kg.

The average price for heifers in the 500kg plus weight bracket was €2.83/kg and heifers in the 400-500kg weight bracket averaged €2.86/kg, holding steady to the previous week.

Top prices in the heifer sale on the day included:

595kg Charolais heifer sold for €1,700 or €2.86/kg; 515kg Charolais heifer sold for €1,530 or €2.97/kg; 465kg Limousin heifer sold for €1,530 or €3.29/kg; 460kg Charolais heifer sold for €1,400 or €3.04/kg; 350kg Limousin heifer sold for €1,220 or €3.49/kg; 215kg Charolais heifer sold for €790 or €3.67/kg.

In the bullock sale on the day, prices reached €1,980 or €3.83/kg with prices ranging from €750 to €1,980/head or €1.97-3.83/kg.


The average price paid for bullocks 500kg plus was €2.94/kg and bullocks in the 400kg to 500kg weight category sold for an average price of €2.78/kg.

The mart manager added that the prices were "similar to last year".

The top prices in the bullock sale on the day included:

680kg Limousin bullock sold for €1,980 or €2.91/kg; 595kg Limousin bullock sold for €1,810 or €3.04/kg; 570kg Angus bullock sold for €1,730 or €3.04/kg; 445kg Charolais bullock sold for €1,340 or €3.01/kg; 330kg Limousin bullock sold for €1,190 or €3.61/kg; 300kg Limousin bullock sold for €1,150 or €3.83/kg.

Weanling bull prices ranged from €740-1,140/head or €2.82-3.51kg. The average price for weanlings in the 200-350kg range was €3.17/kg, "about a 15c/kg increase on February 2023", the mart manager added.

Top prices for weanling bulls on the day included:

Advertisement 350kg Limousin weanling bull sold for €1,140 or €3.26/kg; 335kg Charolais weanling bull sold for €1,130 or €3.37/kg; 305kg Limousin weanling bull sold for €1,070 or €3.51/kg; 285kg Limousin weanling bull sold for €940 or €3.30/kg; 260kg Charolais weanling bull sold for €880 or €3.38/kg.

Dry cows made from €660-1,890/head, with the best price going to a farmer from Kilmeena, Westport, Co. Mayo at €2.72/kg for a 695kg Limousin cow.

Another Limousin cow weighing 685kg made €1,790, or €2.61/kg.

"There was a superior selection of cows with calves at foot with prices ranging from €1,680-€2,620/head," the mart manager added.

Show and sale at Ballinrobe Mart

Ballinrobe Mart is set to host a show and sale of bullocks and cows on Wednesday, March 6.

The following week, on Wednesday, March 13, the mart will host a heifer show and sale.

On Friday evening, March 15, Ballinrobe Mart will host a show and sale of weanling heifers and bulls.

Also Read: Have beef prices peaked or is there more to come this year?

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