Former Kinderland preschool teacher gets fresh charges of abusing 3 other children

Source: CNA
SINGAPORE: A former preschool teacher who was seen in videos allegedly rough-handling children has been charged with abusing three other kids.
This is on top of her previous charge involving a 23-month-old girl.
Lin Min, 34, was given a total of five new charges on Wednesday (Feb 28), comprising three counts of ill-treating a child and two of using criminal force.
All the alleged fresh offences occurred at a Kinderland preschool between May and July last year.
Lin is accused of forcing a three-year-old boy to lie down in a rough manner, handling him roughly and using criminal force on him by tipping a milk bottle into his mouth while he was lying down on the floor.
She is also accused of ill-treating a three-year-old girl by restraining her to a chair and pouring water into her mouth.
Lin also allegedly used criminal force on a two-year-old boy by using a book to hit his buttocks five times.
A gag order issued by the court prevents the publication of anything that could lead to the identification of the victims.
Lin was first charged in August with ill-treating a 23-month-old girl by forcing her to lie down and pouring water into her mouth.
This allegedly occurred on Jun 30, 2023, at the same Kinderland preschool.
She is out on bail of S$15,000 and is slated for a pre-trial conference in March.