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NYPD cricket team visited Central Police Officer Islamabad

NYPD cricket team visited Central Police Officer Islamabad

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - The New York Police Depart­ment's (NYPD) cricket team vis­ited the Central Police Office Is­lamabad and met with Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan, a public re­lations officer said on Friday. He said that Islamabad Capital Police officers and cricket team mem­bers were also present on the occasion. During the meeting var­ious matters were discussed in­cluding the inauguration of sport events. ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan said that the purpose of the cricket event is to boost the mo­rale of police personnel, attract them towards healthy activities, and promote mental and physi­cal well-being along with law and order duties. He emphasized that sports bring refinement in character, maturity in roles, and contribute to a healthy society. He further mentioned that such initiatives help to reduce the gap between the police and the pub­lic, and sports are essential for improving health. Moreover, he expressed that in the future, such sports activities will continue to foster better cooperation among different departments.

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