Murray Income Trust HY Net Return Rises

LONDON (dpa-AFX) - Murray Income Trust PLC (MUT.L) reported that its net return after taxation for half yearly report 31 December 2023 was about 46.00 million pounds or 41.9 pence per share, up from 39.45 million pounds or 33.9 pence per share in the previous year.
Net return before taxation was 46.19 million pounds compared to 39.71 million pounds last year.
Gains on investments for the period rose to 32.69 million pounds from 22.01 million pounds in the prior year.
The dividend for the year ended 30 June 2023 was increased by 4.2% to 37.5 pence per share. As announced in November 2023, the first three dividend payments for the year ended 30 June 2024 are 9.5 pence per share compared to 8.25 pence per share paid last year. As a result, the fourth interim dividend will be lower than that for last year but it is anticipated to be not less than 9.5 pence per share, giving an expected total for the year of a minimum of 38.0 pence per share.
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