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ISSI hosts 'Next-Generation International Security Experts Conference 2024'

ISSI hosts 'Next-Generation International Security Experts Conference 2024'

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - As part of the vision to en­gage the youth, and to encourage critical think­ing and promote culture of research among them, the India Study Center at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organized the ISSI's first-ever "Next-Genera­tion International Secu­rity Experts Conference 2024." Students and young researchers from various Universities and think-tanks presented their papers on issues of importance for Paki­stan and those affecting regional security. In his introductory remarks, Director India Study Centre Dr. Khurram Ab­bas said that the objec­tive of this event was to promote culture of policy-oriented research among the young schol­ars. He highlighted that the conference will have a diverse pool of speak­ers as they hail from the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIO­JK), Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Turkiye, Khy­ber Pakhtunkhwa, South Punjab, and Islamabad. He added that based on the papers presented at this conference, ISC will publish a book in June 2024. In his welcoming address, Director Gener­al ISSI Ambassador So­hail Mahmood said that in a rapidly transform­ing global environment as well as turbulent times regionally, it is im­portant to go beyond the traditional approaches and employ fresh think­ing in policy research, which can primar­ily come from the young and imaginative minds. He added that, given its size in Pakistan's demo­graphic landscape, the youth is an indispens­able stakeholder as far as the future of Paki­stan is concerned. It is with this view that the Institute of Strategic Studies took this initia­tive of engaging with the young international security experts. He ad­vised young scholars to be bold and innovative in thinking, flexible in adapting to new tech­nologies and working methods, and hard­working and persistent in pursuing goals. Above all, he urged them to do their work with utmost commitment, profes­sionalism and integrity.

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