Youth repeatedly committed sexual offences against girl after religious classes

Source: The Straits Times
Author: Shaffiq Alkhatib
SINGAPORE - An 18-year-old youth who went to a neighbour's home for religious classes in November 2021 sexually penetrated the woman's nine-year-old granddaughter when lessons ended.
The offender, now 20, continued committing sexual crimes against the same girl over three other instances after this incident.
On March 8, the court called for a report to assess his suitability for reformative training.
Young offenders ordered to undergo it are detained in a centre to observe a strict regimen that can include foot drills and counselling.
He had pleaded guilty to two charges of sex offences involving the girl. Six other charges will be considered during sentencing.
Due to a gag order, he cannot be named to protect the girl's identity.
Deputy Public Prosecutors Claire Poh and Maximilian Chew stated in court documents that at the time of the offences, he lived on the same floor as the victim's grandmother and attended religious classes which the woman conducted on weekday evenings.
The victim was then staying with her grandmother on weekdays and the offender attended one of the religious classes at around 8pm some time in November 2021.
After the class ended, he sat beside the girl on a sofa and the pair began watching videos on his mobile phone.
The offender, who noticed that the victim's grandmother had nodded off on the same sofa, then sexually assaulted the girl.
He went home after the woman woke up, and the DPPs said that the victim felt embarrassed and confused about what had happened.
However, she did not confide with her family members about her ordeal.
He targeted the girl a second time when he attended a religious class at the same woman's home sometime between November 2021 and early 2023.