Meet the Veteran Craftsman of the Cuatro Puertorriqueño, Creator of the "Serie Dorada" Cuatro

Source: El Nuevo Día
Vega Baja.- The lush nature of the Quebrada Arenas barrio of Vega Baja houses don Jaime Alicea Otero's cuatro factory. Alicea Otero is the founder of the revered "Serie Dorada," a brand that brings together extensive experience and refined evolution across the years.
At almost 90 years old, don Jaime welcomed Somos Puerto Rico with freshly brewed, aromatic coffee. With simple gestures and a slow walk, the master craftsman began explaining the fame behind his instruments. "People like Gloria Estefan, timbalero Orestes Vilató and many more renowned musicians have bought cuatros from me. Edwin Colón Zayas visits me frequently and we get to play from time to time, but my son Javier is the real expert here. He learned a lot; he can both make and play the cuatro wonderfully," he highlighted.