Leprechauns change name of New London to New Dublin to kick off St. Patrick's week

Source: Yahoo
NEW DUBLIN, Wis. (WFRV) - They're keeping up the tradition in New London or what is now New Dublin.
The leprechauns arrived bright and early Monday to change the name of the community sign as part of a week's worth of festivities that celebrate Irish culture.
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The Shamrock Club of New Dublin started this fun way to kick off the week years and years ago.
Members say what keeps them going year after year is their Irish pride.
There are many spirited folk. By the time the festival and parade roll around on Saturday, the streets will be packed.
"The parade and festival will bring in over 30 thousand people who will come out and enjoy the day and celebrate everything Ireland," said Ryan Lanning of the Shamrock Club of New Dublin. "This is our 40th anniversary, and what started out as a simple idea by the founding members has grown."
Tomorrow is Houligan Day, and nearly every establishment will serve corned beef and cabbage.
On Wednesday, volunteers will go Irish caroling to assisted living centers.
On Thursday night, starting at 7, there's a traditional dance and song presentation at the New London Senior High School Auditorium. Talented artists from the New Dublin area present a moving evening of Irish entertainment on stage that features songs, dances, and the humor of Ireland. They will also introduce the 2024 Irish Man & Irish Rose, Grand Marshall, and the Irish Lad & Lassie.
It's great family entertainment, and it's free, although donations are appreciated.
On Friday night at 7, there is a Ceili (pronounced kay-lee) at Crystal Falls Banquet and Restaurant. It's a traditional gathering of friends and family in celebration of music & dance. You can learn to do Irish dances with the Ceili band, Flip O' the Coin, and caller Bob Pillsbury. Admission is free, and donations are appreciated.
Saturday is a parade and festival day!
St. Patrick's Day Grand Parade (1:00 pm) - Downtown New Dublin (New London). Wisconsin's largest St. Patrick's Day parade includes an extensive lineup of bagpipe & marching bands, festive clowns, specialty units, clans, business floats, and up to 125 units or more. Prizes are awarded for the best entries.
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New Dublin Irish Fest (11:00 am to 6:00 pm) - Three bands will play, as well as Irish food, beverages, and market booths. Located downtown under a huge heated tent by Festival Foods. Admission is $5.00 for the whole day.
The bands for 2024 are:
11 am-12:30 pm - Sheamus Fitzpatrick and the McNally Boys
1 pm-2:30 pm - The Gleasons
3 pm-6 pm - Band O' Barley