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LSMI grows by 1.48pc in Jan

LSMI grows by 1.48pc in Jan

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - The output of the Large Scale Man­ufacturing Industrial (LSMI) sector witnessed an increase of 1.48 percent during the month of January 2024 com­pared to the same month of last year, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) reported. On a month-on-month basis, the production in January also showed 0.03 percent growth over the output of December 2023. Overall the LSMI showed a decline of o.52 per cent dur­ing July-January 2023-24 when compared with the same peri­od of last year, according to PBS data. The main contributors towards the overall growth of -0.52 percent included, food (0.38 percent), beverages (0.12 percent), tobacco (-0.82 per­cent), textile (-1.90 percent), garments (0.86 percent), pa­per and board (-0.10 percent), petroleum products (0.44 percent), chemicals (0.46 per­cent), pharmaceuticals (1.32 percent), iron and steel prod­ucts (-0.05 percent), electrical equipment (-0.31 percent), au­tomobiles (-1.38 percent) and furniture (0.31 percent). The provisional quantum indices of Large Scale Manufacturing Industries (LSMI) for January 2024 with the base year 2015-16 have been developed based on the latest data supplied by the source agencies, includ­ing the Oil Companies Advisory Committee, Ministry of Indus­tries and Production, Ministry of Commerce and Provincial Bureaux of Statistics (BoS).

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