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Federal Board announces implementation of national curriculum from academic year 2024

Federal Board announces implementation of national curriculum from academic year 2024

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Federal Board of Intermedi­ate and Secondary Education (FBISE) has announced that National Curriculum of Paki­stan 2022-23 notified by Min­istry of Federal Education & Professional Training, Govern­ment of Pakistan stands imple­mented with effect from aca­demic year 2024 and onwards.

According to a notification available with APP, Feder­al Board has informed all the heads of institutions affiliat­ed with FBISE at SSC and HSSC levels, that the National Cur­riculum will be implement­ed for grades IX and XI in the subjects of English Compulso­ry, Urdu Compulsory, Pakistan Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Bi­ology, Mathematics and Com­puter Science while for grades X and XII the same shall stand implemented with effect from academic year 2025 and on­wards for these subjects.

The National Curriculum of 'Pakistan Studies' 2022-23 stands implemented for grade IX with effect from academ­ic year 2024 while for grades X and XII the same shall stand im­plemented with effect from aca­demic year 2025 and onwards.

The National Curriculum of Islamiyat Compulsory 2022-23 has already been imple­mented at SSC level while at HSSC-I Level, the decision will be taken shortly subject to the availability of valid and reli­able books/ reading material.

The notification further said that both SSC and HSSC levels examinations of all the subjects mentioned above will continue to be Students Learning Out­comes (SLOs) based instead of Textbooks based. Accordingly, question papers will be based on the SLOS given in the curri­cula of each of these subjects instead of textbooks. All the curricula/ SLOs of these sub­jects will be uploaded shortly on FBISE website for instructional/as­sessment guidelines along with model question papers and other necessary allied material.

A suggested list of books of different publishers as refer­ence/ reading material which is not prescriptive in nature is be­ing given here under for each subject along with other details.

The institutions are, how­ever, free to rely on any other valid and reliable instruction­al/ reference material to fulfill the instructional requirements of the SLOS of these subjects.

However, institutions may further shape their instruc­tional and assessment prac­tices around the SLOS and teaching resources/ reference material of these subjects for preparing their students.

The exploration of SLOS par­ticularly in the context of their cognitive domains and peda­gogical requirements will help students to discover new abil­ities, develop critical think­ing and enrich their problem solving skills together with de­veloping curiosity and lasting passion for learning.

As per federal board details, the names of publishers of text/ reference books for SSC-I, HSSC-I subject and curric­ulum, the books of SSC-I and HSSC-I English Compulsory 2022-23 will be published by National Book Foundation, Is­lamabad and Cantab Publish­er, Lahore. Similarly, in Urdu Compulsory 2022-23 SSC-I and HSSC-I books will be pub­lished by National Book Foun­dation, Islamabad and Kitabi­stan Paper Products, Lahore, and Cantab Publisher, Lahore.

Meanwhile, the book of SSC-I Pak Studies 2022-23, will be published by Gohar Publisher, Lahore, Cantab Publisher (Eng­lish & Urdu Version), Lahore and Kitabistan Paper Products, Lahore. The book of Islamiyat Compulsory 2022-23 SSC-I will be published by National Book Foundation, Islamabad

and Punjab Textbook Board, Lahore, while the decision is pending for publishing of HSSC-I book.

The books of Physics 2022-23 SSC-I and HSSC-I will be published by National Book Foundation, Islamabad,

and Cantab publisher Lahore. However, the book of Chemis­try 2022-23 SSC-I will be pub­lished by National Book Foun­dation, Islamabad and Cantab Publisher, Lahore, while HSSC-I book of same subject will be published by National Book Foundation, Islamabad, Cantab Publisher, Lahore and New Col­lege Publications, Quetta.

The book of Biology 2022-23 SSC-I will be published by National Book Foundation, Is­lamabad, Cantab Publisher, La­hore, and HSSC-I by the Nation­al Book Foundation, Islamabad, Cantab Publisher, Lahore and New College Publications, Quet­ta. As per notification, the books of Mathematics 2022-23, SSC-I and HSSC-I will be published by National Book Foundation, Is­lamabad, and Cantab Publisher Lahore. The books of Computer Scienc 2022-23 for SSSC-I and HSSC-I will be published by Na­tional Book Foundation.

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