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Crackdown on hate campaign: Over 450 social media accounts shut down

Crackdown on hate campaign: Over 450 social media accounts shut down

Source: The News International

ISLAMABAD: Police sources say that the Counter Extremism Unit (CEU) of the Federal Capital Police has launched a crackdown on anti-state actors involved in running a hate campaign on social media against the state and its agencies via hidden accounts.

During the first phase of the clampdown, the CEU shut down 462 accounts involved in spreading religious, sectarian and linguistic hatred on social media. The unit has identified 1,522 accounts involved in such activities and written a letter to the FIA for immediate closure of these accounts.

Of the closed accounts, 65 were involved in religious activities, 47 in propaganda against the country and 350 were involved in spreading terrorist material. The remaining 1,060 accounts will also be closed down without delay.

Talking to The News, Inspector General of Police for Islamabad Dr Akbar Nasir has urged people to stay away from such negative campaigns on social media, adding that rigorous legal action would be taken against any individuals involved in such activities. He said citizens should play a role in eliminating anti-social and anti-state activities. The crackdown on extremism is helping control terrorism and enhance public security.

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