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ICP initiate campaign to combat motorycle theft in capital

ICP initiate campaign to combat motorycle theft in capital

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Fol­lowing the special di­rectives of Islamabad Capital City Police Of­ficer (ICCPO) Dr. Ak­bar Nasir Khan, the Is­lamabad Capital Police have initiated a special campaign to combat motorcycle theft in Is­lamabad, a public re­lations officer said on Thursday. He said that, during this campaign, citizens are directed to use all precautionary measures when park­ing motorcycles, always park motorcycles in des­ignated parking areas, use strong double locks, and park motorcycles inside homes instead of on the streets. Addition­ally, always keep them in sight, ensure the use of fuel switches, park mo­torcycles in well-lit areas at night, and use official number plates issued by the Excise and Taxa­tion Department. These security measures make theft more difficult.

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