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PCSIR employees face financial crunch over nonpaymentof salaries

PCSIR employees face financial crunch over nonpaymentof salaries

Source: The Nation

KARACHI - The employees of the Pakistan Council of Scientific and In­dustrial Research (PCSIR) were gripped by severe finan­cial crisis over nonpayment of salaries since January 2024. This dire situation has cast a shadow over the dedicated workforce of PCSIR, an insti­tution of national significance renowned for its scientific research endeavors. PCSIR, established with the mission to foster scientific and indus­trial development in Pakistan, boasts a team of highly skilled professionals including tier-1 scientists and physicists. These individuals are at the forefront of groundbreaking research initiatives, contrib­uting significantly to the ad­vancement of various fields crucial for national progress. However, the current predica­ment facing PCSIR employees paints a starkly different pic­ture. Despite their invaluable contributions to scientific in­novation, these diligent pro­fessionals are facing severe financial strain due to the prolonged delay in receiv­ing their salaries. With each passing month, the burden of unpaid wages continues to mount, exacerbating the chal­lenges faced by PCSIR's work­force. The situation has left many employees in a state of distress and uncertainty, as they struggle to meet their financial obligations and pro­vide for their families. For some, the inability to access their rightful earnings has re­sulted in mounting debts, in­ability to cover basic necessi­ties, and a sense of frustration over the lack of support from the authorities. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, a PCSIR employee lamented, "We dedicate our expertise and efforts to advancing sci­ence and technology for the betterment of our nation, yet we find ourselves in a dire situation where we are un­able to sustain our own live­lihoods. The non-payment of salaries has not only affected our morale but has also put a strain on our personal and professional lives."

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