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FPCCI appoints Shahida Parveen as Convener KPK Regional Committee

FPCCI appoints Shahida Parveen as Convener KPK Regional Committee

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) has ap­pointed Mrs Shahida Parveen as Conve­ner FPCCI's Women Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Regional Standing Committee on Women Empowerment and Development for the year 2024-2025.

The committee would represent Women Chamber Of Commerce and Industry, Pe­shawar Division, according to press state­ment received here. Shahida Parveen, the Proprietor Blossom's Beauty Saloon has been authorised to select and appoint professional and experienced members throughout the KPK region (minimum nine members) in here committee from the relevant fields and sector.

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