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Embassies celebrate Pakistan Day across the world

Embassies celebrate Pakistan Day across the world

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Embassies of Paki­stan across the world on Saturday celebrated Pa­kistan Day with national fervour and enthusiasm. The embassies in Bangla­desh, United Arab Emir­ates, United Kingdom, Singapore, South Korea, France, Iran, United States, Vietnam, Tajikistan, Ja­pan, Azerbaijan and Bel­gium celebrated the day. The ambassadors and high commissioners in em­bassies hoisted Pakistani flags, national anthems were played and messag­es of President and Prime Minister were read out. High Commissioner of Pa­kistan to Bangladesh Syed Ahmed Maroof hoisted na­tional flag to mark the Na­tional Day of Pakistan. Pay­ing tribute to the historic struggle for Pakistan's cre­ation, the HC urged for re­alizing vision of founding fathers. In Tokyo, special supplements were pub­lished in two leading En­glish newspapers of Japan. National Day of Pakistan related gatherings were also arranged in different parts of Japan by commu­nity groups. Pakistan Day ceremony at Pakistan Em­bassy Moscow was cut short with solemn obser­vances due to the highly condemnable terrorist at­tack in Moscow. A one-min­ute silence was observed in order to pay homage to the victims and those wound­ed in the incident. Ambas­sador Muhammad Khalid Jamali condemned the in­cident. Ambassador Bilal Hayee raised the Pakistani flag, while the national an­them was played in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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