POWERFUL VIDEO: Yeshiva students wounded in battle dance on Purim - VINnews

Source: vinnews.com
Author: Baruch Green
ISRAEL (VINnews) Two powerful videos have emerged, showing yeshiva students who are IDF soldiers dancing in yeshiva on Purim. The two were wounded in the war in Gaza.
Mevaser Dwight, a student in the Karnei Shomron Hesder Yeshiva, is seen dancing in his yeshiva to the words of Tehillim.
Mevasser is a third year student and soldier in the 7th Armored Brigade, who was seriously wounded by a grenade in Gaza about two months ago, and was in a coma and on a respirator in Soroka Medical Center.
Second Lieutenant Noam Alon, a student at Yeshivat Hakotel who was seriously wounded in November, was filmed dancing at his yeshiva with hundreds of bochurim and Bnei Yeshiva. Noam danced in the middle circle with the "chashuvim", next to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Baruch Wieder.