Rediscovering my ninja way with Naruto: The Gallery

Source: The Straits Times
Author: Ian Cheng
SINGAPORE - In my youth, back in the 2000s, to say anime was popular was an understatement.
There were many to choose from in any genre imaginable, from sports to cooking to fantasy, but none resonated with my soul like Naruto.
I was enthralled by the tale of the gutsy ninja who went from shunned loser to great warrior, always staying true to his nindo - a personal way of life that each ninja abides by, also known as his ninja way.
Evidently, this was also true for many worldwide, with Naruto becoming one of the best-selling manga series of all time.
In December 2022, the anime celebrated its 20th anniversary in Japan with the Naruto: The Gallery exhibition, which toured various Japanese prefectures before making its international debut in Universal Studios Singapore (USS) on March 28.