OGDCL, Saif Energy discover new hydrocarbon reserves in Kohat Block

Source: The Nation
ISLAMABAD - OGDCL (Oil and Gas Development Company Limited) and Saif Energy Ltd (SEL), a joint venture partner, have discovered new hydrocarbon reserves in Kohat Block on a sole risk basis. The well was spudded on August 28, 2023, and successfully reached its target depth of 2414 meters in the Chichali-l Formation on November 18, 2023. JV (M/s OGDCL, M/s SEL, M/s MPCL) decided to deepen the well to test the hydrocarbon potential of the thrust sheet (Lumshiwal-Il). Deepening operations commenced on November 29, 2023, and TD 2600m MD (Chichali-Il) was achieved on December 07, 2023, in the sub-thrust sheet. OGDCL and Saif Energy Ltd decided to test the exploratory part of Togh-2 (Slant) well on a sole risk basis in the national interest. The testing was carried out in the Lumshiwal-ll Formation, which proved to be a gas/condensate discovery. The well flowed at a rate of 2.842 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) of gas and 28 barrels per day condensate (BPDC) with a wellhead flowing pressure of 540 pounds per square inch (PSI) at a 32/64" choke size. This is a unique instance where private and public sector companies took the bold step on a sole risk basis in the national interest to discover hydrocarbon reserves. Jehangir Saifullah Khan, CEO of SAIF ENERGY, was quoted as saying that this is an outstanding cooperation and that private and national companies should work together for the advancement and prosperity of Pakistan.