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Cabinet approves Lt Gen Afsar's appointment as NADRA chief

Cabinet approves Lt Gen Afsar's appointment as NADRA chief

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - The federal cab­inet on Friday formally ap­proved the appointment of Lt Gen Muhammad Munir Af­sar as Chairman National Da­tabase and Registration Au­thority (NADRA) for a full three-year term. On October 2 last year, then caretaker gov­ernment had appointed the first-ever serving three star general as chairman of the cit­izens' national register till fur­ther orders. The government has now endorsed the appoint­ment of Lt Gen Afsar for three years on the basis of a sum­mary moved by the Ministry of Interior. Lt Gen Afsar has substantial experience in IT-re­lated technical development and management within the Pakistan Army besides serv­ing with Pakistan's Mission in the United Nations (UN). He holds an MPhil in Public Poli­cy and National Security Man­agement, and during the 2010 floods, he authored a research paper on public policy re­sponses within the Geograph­ic Information Systems (GIS) sector. The NADRA chief com­pleted his MS in GIS and re­mote sensing. Besides this, he holds an MS in National Re­source Strategy and special­ized in C&IT Industry and Sup­ply Chain Management from NDU Washington, DC. NADRA has been in the limelight for the past few days after a re­port submitted by a Joint Task Force (JIT) to the interior min­istry claimed that the authori­ty's data of 2.7 million citizens had been stolen and sold out.

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