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There should be no politics on judiciary's freedom: Azam Nazeer

There should be no politics on judiciary's freedom: Azam Nazeer

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Minister for Law and Justice Sena­tor Azam Nazeer Tarar Monday wel­comed the expression of confidence by lawyers' bodies on the formation of the inquiry commission and the appointment of former chief justice Tassaduq Hussain Jilani as its head in matter of judges' letter.

In a statement, he said that the dec­larations of the Pakistan Bar Council, the largest organization of lawyers across the country and the Supreme Court Bar Association are manifesta­tions of their seriousness about the independence and impartiality of the judiciary. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Bar Council, Punjab Bar Council, Islam­abad Bar Council also expressed confi­dence in the formation of commission and its head to inquire the matter per­taining to the letter of IHC's judges to supreme judicial council (SJC), he said.

Confidence expressed by major bar associations like Peshawar High Court Bar, Abbottabad High Court Bar, Lahore Bar Association, Multan High Court Bar and Bahawalpur High Court Bar which is a positive development. The law minister said that the govern­ment wanted the truth to come before the nation so that no such complaints arise in future. Azam Nazeer said that there should be no politics on the in­dependence of the judiciary and the letter of the honorable six judges. The elected lawyers' bodies across the country have taken the gravity of the issue seriously and kept it away from politics, the minister said.

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