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Polls after water woe fixed: Chief Minister

Polls after water woe fixed: Chief Minister

Source: Daily Express Sabah

Tuaran: Sabah's water shortage problem will have to be addressed first before the next state elections can be called, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

"There is still time to do so until September 2025," he said, when asked about rumours that it would be called within this year.


"There are still many duties pertaining to the livelihood of Sabahans that must be fulfilled by the State Government like water.

"It is not a new problem. It was inherited from past governments but now as a responsible one, we will execute our tasks.

SPONSORED CONTENT Sabah revenue hits RM6.97 billion: Hajiji says GRS State Government may see full term Kota Kinabalu: The Sabah Government continued its momentum in managing the economy in line with the commitment and spirit of the Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) when it posted record high state revenue of RM6.973 billion last year. Read more "We have secured RM300 million for a few projects which will facilitate the distribution of water in the city and other districts.

"God willing it can be completed within this year," he said when met at his Hari Raya open house at Dewan Sri Sulaman, Saturday.


At least 10,000 people from various backgrounds turned up at the event. Serenading the crowd was Datuk Jamal Abdillah.

On cloud seeding, Hajiji said as long as Sabah is in drought mode there will be continuous efforts to generate rain.


Meanwhile, he said the State Government is looking into ways to disburse the RM600 air ticket subsidies meant for students under government scholarship studying abroad.

Present was Public Works Minister Datuk Ir. Shahelmey Yahya who said the Limbahau Emergency Water Supply Scheme (EWSS) plant operations in Papar had to be stopped momentarily because salt water was flowing in and reserves were depleting.

"So we are stopping production of the plant managed by the Sabah Water Department to avoid processing salt water.

"However another plant in Limbahau owned by Jetama Sdn Bhd continues to churn 9 million litres per day (mld) instead of 13 mld.

"Papar will be in a deficit of 14mld momentarily so continue to pray that rain falls especially in catchments so that we may return to processing river water," he said, adding that water tankers have resumed duties.

Sabah Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan said the ongoing drought has affected paddy farmers badly.

"Paddy areas have not been receiving adequate water which will impact the year's yield. Drinking water to the affected villagers is in constant supply but to the fields, we are collecting as much water as we can so that watering channels can be full again," he said.

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