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PSX witnesses bullish trend, gains 229 more points

PSX witnesses bullish trend, gains 229 more points

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - The 100-index of the Paki­stan Stock Exchange (PSX) witnessed bullish trend on Monday, gaining 229.86 points, a positive change of 0.33 percent, closing at 70,544.58 points against 70,314.72 points the previ­ous trading day. A total of 555,214,972 shares valu­ing Rs21.986 billion were traded during the day as compared to 389,396,548 shares valuing Rs17.273 bil­lion the last day. Some 353 companies transacted their shares in the stock mar­ket; 180 of them recorded gains and 156 sustained losses, whereas the share prices of 17 remained un­changed. In PSX, the three top trading companies were WorldCall Telecom with 88,622,330 shares at Rs1.39 per share, Fauji Cement with 33,100,985 shares with Rs20.01 per share and Fauji Foods Lim­ited with 30,022,192 shares at Rs10.05 per share. Bata Pakistan Limited witnessed a maximum increase of Rs25.00 per share price, closing at Rs1,725.00, whereas the runner-up was Sugar Engineering Works Limited with a Rs23.19 rise in its per share price to Rs493.46. Mari Petro­leum Company Limited witnessed a maximum de­crease of Rs26.36 per share closing at Rs2,595.35, fol­lowed by Nestle Pakistan Limited with Rs22.89 de­cline to close at Rs7,525.00.

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