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Bristol to proceed with house demolition

Bristol to proceed with house demolition

Source: Tribune Chronicle, Warren OH

BRISTOL -- Township officials were able to get a vacant bar at the southwest corner of state Routes 45 and 88 demolished last year. Now they are moving forward to get a vacant and dilapidated house at the same location demolished this year.

Trustee Chairman Doug Seemann said at Tuesday's meeting the house has been declared uninhabitable.

"There were two structures on the same parcel. The house has been reinspected, so we can proceed with the steps for demolition," Seemann said.

He said he is not sure how long the process will take, but it took several years to get the former three-story Bristol Inn demolished. Aster Oilfield Services razed the structure for $22,000.

Officials also are seeking bids for work on the metal roof and facade at the historic doctor's office building. Seemann said the roof suffers from leaks.

A representative of Pally Roofing of Garrettsville discussed what needs to be done on the property to improve it while maintaining its historical value.

Mary Ann Raidel of the local historical society said the goal is to improve the doctor's office and, in the future, the historic barbershop.

Raidel said other proposals for the work will be sought before a decision is made.

The late 1800s doctor's office at the center sits next to the historic barbershop. Both were moved from state Route 45 to the center in 2017, where they have been showcased at community events.

In other business, trustees:

*   Said tree limbs downed at the cemeteries and other locations following heavy rain and windstorms in the past week will be addressed.

*   Heard from fire Chief Steve Craiger that a new mailbox was placed at the front of the fire station, off Greenville Road. He said previously there was a post office box.

*   Heard from Craiger that permits are needed for outdoor burning of wood, limbs and other items. A burning ban is in effect from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. until June 1. Craiger said barrels for burning and campfires are permitted.

*   Hired Toby Mizway of Mecca as firefighter / paramedic.

*   Set spring cleanup and scrap tire collection for 8 a.m. to noon May 11 by the township building. Officials said a $3,500 grant is covering the cost of the cleanup. There is a limit of eight tires per resident.

*   Heard from Seemann that the Trumbull County Planning Commission is updating the township maps with some residential properties being zoned for commercial and business areas. He said the changes will be placed in the zoning book and will become part of the comprehensive plan.

*   Heard from Road Supervisor Greg Maraczi that he has dirt and clean fill available for residents at the road department.

*   Announced communitywide garage sales will be June 21-23.

Have an interesting story? Email Bob Coupland at [email protected].

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