Irish Free State leader Michael Collins killed - UPI Archives

Source: UPI
DUBLIN, Ireland, -- Michael Collins, Ireland's hope, is dead.
Collins, the fiery leader of the Free State troops, was assassinated from ambush at Bamlon, County Cork, while on a tour of inspection of his army yesterday. The automobile in which he was riding from Cork to ' Bandon was fired upon.
The most stringent military censorship was set up by the government today. Complete details of Collins' death were lacking, other than the bare announcement that the commander in chief was shot by irregulars.
A triumvirate will succeed Collins as head of the Irish Free State.
May Ruin Country
Death that claimed two of Ireland's greatest leaders, Arthur Griffith and Michael Collins, within ten days, left no single outstanding figure. The Free State may collapse due to activities of the rebels under De Valera, which would again bring invading forces of Britain into Ireland ana cause the renewal of the centuries-old conflict.
Collins in recent months was known as the "Lincoln of Erin". He had been largely instrumental in inducing the people to accept the Free State government. Death came at a time when Ireland was about to rest easier and devote her energies to the development of resources. Collins and his forces had -been victorious over the rebels and were in power in most portions of Ireland. Collins was commander-in-chief of the army, head of the provisional government and financial minister of the flail.
Killed in Reprisal
It was frequently reported that Collins was marked for death, since Harry Boland, secretary of De Valera, Irish irreconcilable, was shot and killed by Free State troops during a raid. It was reported that Collins was to be killed for reprisal. Hia motor car was fired upon a few days ago but Collins was not in it.
A Notable Career
Collins, who began his career as a broker's clerk, was personally unknown until 1014. -when be won the confidence of Sir Roger Casement who was executed during the war. Collins accompanied Casement to Germany on a Irish mission and sprung into fame during 1916, when he was in command of party of the army under P.H. Pearce.
Wins Irish Freedom
Collins organized the Irish Republican army, which carried on military operations in Ireland forced the British government under Lloyd George to come to terms and acknowledge the Irish Free State with its own government practically independent of Great Britain in local affairs.