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Intermittent rain persists in federal capital

Intermittent rain persists in federal capital

Source: The Nation

ISLAMABAD - Intermittent rain persisted in parts of the federal capital on Friday, in line with the forecast of the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), maintain­ing the cold season's grip by keeping temperatures low.

Light to moderate rain, ac­companied by windstorms and lightning, began on Thurs­day afternoon and continued into Friday with intermittent breaks, occasionally escalating into heavy downpours. Typi­cally, April marks a transition from cold to hot weather, but this year, two continuous rain spells with minimal breaks have impeded this transition. The ongoing rainy weather, coupled with dropping temper­atures, has compelled citizens to retrieve their warm clothing, which many had stored away in anticipation of hot weather. Particularly vulnerable are the elderly and children, who face increased risks of illness during extreme weather conditions.

Weather experts attribute these unusual patterns to cli­mate change, which is leading to more intense rain-producing systems, causing inundations, landslides, and damage to structures and infrastructure like electric poles.

According to the PMD fore­cast, rain, wind, and thunder­storms are expected in vari­ous parts of the country, with snowfall likely in mountainous regions. A strong westerly wave continues to affect the upper parts of the country, as indi­cated by the synoptic situation. The PMD has issued warnings of flash flooding in certain ar­eas and the possibility of land­slides in others. Windstorms, hailstorms, and lightning pose risks to crops, structures, ve­hicles, and solar panels.

Given the rain emergency de­clared in some areas, citizens are advised to limit unneces­sary travel and stay indoors during rainfall unless neces­sary. Recent rainfall measure­ments indicate significant pre­cipitation in various regions, with temperatures remaining relatively low. The highest max­imum temperatures recorded are still below the typical levels for this time of year.

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