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Youth clubs across Cork avail of €270k funding thanks to increase in grant scheme

Youth clubs across Cork avail of €270k funding thanks to increase in grant scheme

Source: Irish Independent

Cork Education & Training Board (Cork ETB) has reported a 10 per cent increase in the number of youth clubs applying for the 2024 Local Youth Club Grant Scheme (LYCGS) that has just resulted in the payment of €270,000 in grant funding to groups throughout Cork.

From a baseline of 200, the number of voluntary youth clubs in Cork operated by various bodies and independent committees fell below 100 in the two years of the Covid-19 lockdown but has rebounded for 2024.

Cork ETB received an allocation of €272,400 from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) for 2024 which has been allocated to groups under the umbrella of Scouts, Guides, Foróige, Cloyne Diocesan Youth Services, Macra na Feirme and independents.

"We are delighted that 165 clubs, in all corners of Cork, have applied for the grant scheme this year which is up 15 since 2023 and represents a welcome return to the kind of club numbers we had pre Covid," explained Cork ETB Youthwork Services Development Manager, Mick Finn.

"This grant scheme has traditionally been the lifeblood of these clubs, helping to pay fees, rents, utilities and to fund activity programmes so we are thrilled that the allocations have been made earlier this year so the clubs have the comfort of funds in hand for their operations," Finn added.

The Cork ETB Youthwork Service department initiated a new online application system this year, with over 100 clubs coming together in January for an application workshop and a motivational session.