Medieval Mayo - Churches and Abbeys launched | Connaught Telegraph

Source: Connaught Telegraph
Medieval Mayo - Churches and Abbeys launched Published: Fri 26 Apr 2024, 8:23 AM
MEDIEVAL Mayo - Churches and Abbeys, a beautifully illustrated book on the medieval abbeys and churches of County Mayo, has been launched in Ballintubber Abbey.
Written by the late Dr. Peter Harbison and produced by Mayo County Council Heritage Office, the book presents a selection of Mayo's Christian monuments created during the thousand years from 600 to 1600 AD. Captured in the book is not only the richness of Mayo's religious medieval monuments but also their beautiful landscape settings.
At the launch, performed by Tadhg O'Keeffe, Professor of Archaeology in University College Dublin, Councillor Michael Loftus, cathaoirleach of Mayo County Council, said: "Peter has written a wonderful book which communicates the value and importance of Mayo's ecclesiastical and archaeological heritage in a manner that is accessible and speaks to a wide audience."
Peter Harbison was a historian, editor, author of many books and one of Ireland's best-known archaeologists.
His son John, speaking on behalf of the Harbison family, said: "Peter would have been delighted with this excellent book, especially because he always wanted his last book to be as special as this one is. He would also be very happy that the book was launched in Ballintubber Abbey - such an appropriate location for the launch given the abbey's long history and standing, but also given the stations of the cross in the abbey, which were carved by Peter's close friend, Imogen Stuart."
He added: "I would like to thank Mayo County Council, and in particular Deirdre Cunningham, heritage officer, for the fantastic partnership to make the book possible. We hope the book will help the continued great work of all the historical, archaeological and heritage societies in County Mayo, that Peter supported so passionately during his lifetime."
Along with Ballintubber Abbey, other well-known abbeys which feature in the book, to name a few, include Cong, Murrisk, Burrishoole, Moyne and Rosserk, which represent some of the most impressive medieval monastic complexes anywhere in Europe. Also presented in the book are early medieval sites such as Mayo Abbey, Fallmore and Croagh Patrick, and those with round towers, such as Aghagower, Killala, Turlough and Meelick - Mayo has one of the highest concentrations of round towers anywhere in the country.
Kevin Kelly, chief executive, Mayo County Council, commented: "Heritage is a key driver of our tourism industry and contributes enormously to our quality of life, and this is particularly evident in Mayo.
"We hope visitors and locals alike will enjoy this beautiful book, as it brings them on a wonderful journey of discovery through 1000 years of Mayo's ecclesiastical history".
The book is available in local bookshops and from Cost €25 (hardback).
Published: Fri 26 Apr 2024, 8:23 AM