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Nafiz Modack trial to resume in Western Cape High Court

Nafiz Modack trial to resume in Western Cape High Court

Source: EWN Traffic
Author: Carlo Petersen

CAPE TOWN - Defence attorneys will continue to try and punch holes in the State's case when the trial against alleged underworld kingpin, Nafiz Modack, continues in the Western Cape High Court on Thursday.

Modack and his 14 co-accused face 120 charges related to various crimes, including the murder of top cop, Charl Kinnear.

Earlier this week, an attorney testified that Modack paid him to represent five of the co-accused in the matter, including a self-confessed hitman who admitted that he committed murders on Modack's behalf.

Criminal defence attorney, Gary Newmark, told the court he would receive instructions from Modack about who to represent in court.

Newmark said that he received payments for his work via bank transactions and cash, which would be delivered to him by one of the other accused, Ziyaad Poole.

Both Modack and Poole denied paying Newmark for any legal work.

Newmark told the court he had no motive to testify against Modack but was subpoenaed to do so by the State.

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