Liberty Township trustees

Source: Tribune Chronicle, Warren OH
PRESENT: Devon Stanley, Arnie Clebone and Greg Cizmar.
* Passed a resolution putting properties on the nuisance list for unmowed grass or debris: 801 Mansell Drive, 3465 Hadley Ave., 57 Redfern Drive and 50 Redfern Drive.
* Passed a motion to purchase a 2023 police vehicle from Vienna Township for $40,000.
* Passed a resolution opposing Dominion Energy Ohio's proposed 30% rate increase and requesting that the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio deny Dominion Energy Ohio's request for the same.
The township and its residents currently receive natural gas distribution service from Dominion Energy Ohio, now known as Enbridge. The company has proposed a distribution rate increase for consumers that would increase consumers' monthly fixed basic service charge for natural gas distribution services from $43.27 to $56.31.
Enbridge proposed to increase other fixed monthly distribution charges to consumers by more than $8.78 per month starting in 2025, and increasing by as much as $29.69 per month by 2032. Large-rate increases in natural gas distribution services may negatively impact Liberty Township's efforts to attract new business and jobs, depress the housing market, and place an undue financial burden on residents. This resolution shall go into immediate effect.