Here's the latest planning applications submitted in our area

Source: Lynn News
Bircham: 23/02246/F, Well Cottage, Lynn Road, demolition of existing Well Cottage and replacement with FOUR new dwellings (previous application 21/00713/F).
Brancaster: 24/00690/F, September House Main Road, extension to the West of the property. Identical to previously approved planning application 24/00136/F;
24/00770/TDD, Mow Creek Cottage, Cross Lane, five-day notice - It has become necessary to fell the tree shown in the attached photograph. A combination of age, the wet weather, and the high winds have broken much of the root base and the tree is now supported only by the conifer shown to the left.
Burnham Market: 24/00094/TREECA, Bolton House, Station Road, the tree is a Blue Cedar tree in the garden at Bolton House. The Blue Cedar tree has been badly damaged by wind over the years and is no longer viable as a specimen tree. A request to fell the Blue Cedar is required;
24/00097/TREECA, 49 Market Place, T1 - The apple tree in their rear garden is reduced due to the decay pockets in the union which are lower down within the Conservation Area;
24/00741/F, Sanderling, Herrings Lane, new Flint render details to front elevation only, involving new windows and doors;
23/01999/NMA_1, Fisher & Sons, North Street, non-material amendment to planning permission 23/01999/F: Variation of condition number 2 attached to planning permission 16/01797/F: Renovation of an existing building to provide one shop with flat above and one new dwelling. Demolition of the workshop to the rear of the site. Addition of four new dwellings.
Burnham Thorpe: 24/00093/TREECA, Glebe House, Creake Road, the row, circa 8 stems of co-dominant hedge trees, of Leylandii (Cupressus x leylandii), will be dismantled and felled to ground level. All timber and brash will be removed from site to an approved location.
Dersingham: 24/00733/F, 59 Hunstanton Road, alterations and rear extension to detached bungalow and garage;
24/00761/TDD, Church of St Nicholas, Manor Road, 5 Day Notice: Remove a dying Norway maple tree.
Docking: Sunny Fields, Station Road, Single storey rear extension and alterations to dwelling;
22/00475/NMAM_2, Limagrain UK Ltd, non-material amendment to Planning Permission 22/00475/RMM: Residential development consisting of 30 dwellings. Plot 14 only.
Downham Market: 24/00442/F, Downham & Clackclose Conservative Club, Eagle House, 18 - 20 Bridge Street, Replacement windows;
24/00697/F, Unit 6 To 8, Fairfield Road, variation of conditions 2,3,4,7 and 12 of Planning Permission 23/00493/F: Demolition of existing buildings and replacement with 8 no. dwellings.
East Rudham: 21/02172/NMA_1, 24 Bagthorpe Road, Non-material amendment to Planning Permission 21/02172/F: Two detached houses including extended access.
East Winch: 24/00628/F, Old Railway Yard, Gayton Road, retrospective application for 3 storage yards separated with palisade fencing and lockable gates;
24/00693/CU, Barn At Manor Farm, Church Lane, change of use from agricultural barn to multi-use venue (sui generis).
Emneth: 24/00726/F, The Old Vicarage, 76 Church Road, proposed removal and replacement of existing brick conservatory with the addition of porch and rear extension.
Great Massingham: 24/00746/F, 20 Walcups Lane, proposed extension & alterations.
Grimston: 24/00358/F, Vong Farm, 61 Vong Lane, Pott Row, change of use from Farm Building to Class C3 Dwellinghouse at Vong Farm, Vong Lane, Pott Row.
Heacham: 24/00713/F, 12 School Road, single-storey extension to Dwelling including wood burner flu.
Holme next the Sea: 24/00691/F, The White Horse, 40 Kirkgatem, renovate and convert the existing Chalk barn from storage use to bakery and coffee shop. Demolish 2No existing brick buttresses and rebuild 4 new buttresses to rear of barn. Demolish and rebuild sections of chalk walls. New roadside Carrstone wall to Kirkgate alongside previously approved hedge;
24/00692/LB, The White Horse, 40 Kirkgate, renovate and convert the existing Chalk barn from storage use to bakery and coffee shop. Demolish 2No existing brick buttresses and rebuild 4 new buttresses to rear of barn. Demolish and rebuild sections of chalk walls. New roadside Carrstone wall to Kirkgate which will replace hedge.
King's Lynn: 24/00694/LB, 23A Queen Street, alterations and Repairs to Ground Floor Living Room: Repair and restore ceiling. Open up blocked-up fireplace, replace gas fire, hearth and surround. Restore plasterwork and moulding to chimney breast. Repair damp to lower sections of walls.
24/00721/F, 52 Suffield Way, proposed front porch;
23/00867/NMAM_3, Development Site E of Nar Ouse Way, Non-Material Amendment to 23/00867/NMAM: Part single and part two storey GP Surgery (Class E(e)) with Access, Parking and associated works;
24/00748/F, 2 Seathwaite Road, side and rear extensions to dwelling house;
24/00753/A, 37 Broad Street, Fascia Adverts / Above Window Advert: 'Corner Building' Adverts and Hanging Sign.
Leziate: 24/00776/F, Green Ridge, 77 Gayton Road, Ashwicken, retention of domestic outbuilding in rear garden.
Methwold: 24/00576/F, 25B High Street, Change of use from vacant butchers shop (class E) to 1-bedroom dwellinghouse (C3) and replace the existing asbestos roof with red tiles (Methwold Old Butchers Shop Old Cottage);
24/00627/F, Wissington Sugar Factory, College Road, Wissington Wereham, installation of pilot plant for the production of Spirulina power and associated development including the erection of steel frame clad building, a new tank, supporting columns and gantry;
24/00633/F, Blackberry Barn, 49H Main Road, Brookville, retrospective Change of Use of redundant barn to form single dwelling.
24/00767/LDE, 54 Hythe Road, application for lawful development certificate for: Existing vehicular access to residential dwelling.
Old Hunstanton: 24/00490/F, 2 Waterworks Cottages, Waterworks Road, creation of layby. Removal of hedge which is to be replaced with a 1 metre fence.
Outwell: 24/00605/F, Fairview, Angle Road, proposed replacement dwelling and garage.
Roydon: 24/00654/F, Lodge Barn, 43 Low Road, Proposed Conversion of Garage to Annexe.
Runcton Holme: 24/00672/F, Old Piggery, Manor Farm, 92 Watlington Road, proposed change of use of existing residential annexe to holiday let.
Sedgeford: 24/00652/F, Glovers Farm, Fring Road, variation of Condition 2 attched to Planning Permission 17/01126/F: Conversion to residential of existing range of barns together with new-build elements, means of access and parking court.
Snettisham: 24/00710/LDP, 36 Beach Road, Shepherds Port, application for a Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed use of Unit 3 of 36 Beach Road Snettisham as a workspace for a small growing confectionary business. Process will be the packaging of sweets and other confectionary. No machinery to be used at all. 12 square meters at the front of the unit to be used as a small retail space for online customers to collect their orders;
24/00719/F, 3 Canada Close, new front porch, enlarged side extension and rear lounge extension to detached single storey dwelling;
24/00779/LB, Evelyn House, 2 Pedlars Mews, School Road, installation of a shower room and toilet.
South Creake: 22/02148/NMA_2, Riverside Cottage, 14 Fakenham Road, non-material amendment to planning permission 22/02148/F: Single Storey Rear extension (replacing Existing Garden Room).
South Wootton: 24/00750/F, 28 Barsham Drive, proposed new residential extension and internal alterations.
Stow Bardolph: 24/00695/RM, land between 41 And 45 Low Road, Low Road, reserved matters: Construction of one dwelling and garage.
Syderstone: 24/00737/F, 1 Manor Grange, The Street, 1st floor domestic extension.
Tilney St Lawrence: 24/00708/F, 52 St Johns Road, erection of two-storey front and rear extensions, single-storey side extension, replacement of roof included raised pitch and front dormers, and upgrading all external finishes.
Walsoken: 24/00760/F, Fountain Business Park, Grassgate Lane, variation of condition 1 of planning consent 23/01839/F : Variation of conditions 1 and 4 of permission 19/00812/RMM: Reserved Matters Application, Industrial Units.
West Rudham: 24/00758/CU, The Dukes Head, Lynn Road, change of use from an existing operational public house (containing residential accommodation on its second floor) and its ancillary buildings and associated space to full residential use.
Wiggenhall St Germans: 24/00766/F, The Old Black Horse, Surrey Street, relocation of external TV ariel, alterations to rear door and step arrangement and installation of air conditioning to the dwelling.
Wiggenhall St Mary Magdalen: 24/00718/F, Pine Cottage, 23 Stow Road, Front and rear extension to existing dwelling.
Wimbotsham: 24/00740/F, 22 Church Road, two-storey rear and single-storey extensions to side and rear of existing dwelling, following removal of existing extensions and shed & construction of a new garage/garden store & alterations to existing vehicular access.
Fakenham: IS1/24/0861, Land At Trinity Road, confirmation that all obligations of section 106 agreement, s106/29/36 dated 17/10/2016, and deeds of variation dated 06/02/2019 & 12/01/2021 have been complied with including financial contributions in regard to sale of 8 Meadow Walk, Trinity Road, Fakenham.
Sculthorpe: PF/24/0662, Falgate House Fakenham Road, formation of new vehicular access to Fakenham Road and driveway.
West Raynham: TW/24/0784, 19 Earl Of Bandon Avenue West, t1 & t2 - cherry tree - take down leaving only stump t3 - whitebeam - reduce width to 4m and height to 7m.
Swaffham: 3NM/2024/0016/NMA, Plot 6 Acorn Drive, amendment to approved application 3PL/2018/1067/VAR - Revision to the application of the Consented facing materials to Plot 6 only;
3PL/2024/0355/HOU, 12 Spinners Close, single-storey rear extension.
Narborough: 3OB/2024/0015/VOB, Land At Chalk Lane, variation of planning obligation on pp 3PL/2015/1180/O - Shared Ownership Lease in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of the S106 Agreement and additional paragraphs 1.7 & 1.8 to allow for staircasing to 100% in permitted circumstances.