Debt management strategy launch

Source: The Fiji Times
Author: Meri Radinibaravi
The Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) has launched its 2024-2027 Debt Management Strategy and this will greatly assist taxpayers in fulfilling their tax obligations promptly.
According to a statement from FRCS, the Strategy was developed with the assistance from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) under the ATO Technical Assistance Program to FRCS.
Speaking at the launch, FRCS chief executive officer Udit Singh said the Debt Management Strategy was a working document to assist FRCS in having effective collaboration with the taxpayers.
He said Fiji needed all taxpayers to pay the right amount of tax, in full by their due date.
"While our intention is to minimise our debt collection, we also want to be a responsible creditor with our commitment to giving our customers a service that is professional and based on respect and integrity," Mr Singh said.
"This also means that we clearly articulate the options and consequences to the taxpayers, especially people who are in problem debt."
"On behalf of the FRCS, we value the strong partnership we have established with ATO through the ATO Technical Assistance Program for FRCS, and we appreciate the capacity-building efforts we have received from the ATO over the years."
Australian High Commission in Fiji First Secretary, Governance Rebecca Brown said the strategy focused on making it easy for the taxpayers to understand and fulfil their responsibilities and working collaboratively with taxpayers to manage any outstanding tax and customs debt.
"I trust this Strategy will support FRCS to deliver excellence in revenue collection by working the Fijian community, investing in staff, systems and being data driven," she said.
"The strong and effective partnership between the FRCS and the ATO, has helped to support Fiji in its goal of reducing debt, deliver ongoing economic recovery and joining the global community on Tax Policy and Administration (OCED)."
ATO's director International Relations, Capacity Building and Transparency Gabrielle Jackson highlighted the debt strategy represented a holistic approach to financial management and compliance.
"It will lead to improved revenue collection, by strengthening customer service and compliance education and support increased voluntary compliance whilst continuing to deliver quality service to FRCS clients and partners.
By embracing a data-driven approach, FRCS can enhance its decision-making processes and optimise resource allocation."