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No power cuts expected this weekend

No power cuts expected this weekend

Source: EWN Traffic
Author: Nokukhanya Mntambo

JOHANNESBURG - Households and businesses across the country can expect another weekend without load shedding as the dreaded power cuts remain suspended.

Eskom has kept the lights on for more than 50 consecutive days following what the power utility has described as an ongoing improvement in the reliability of its generation fleet.


The last time South Africa had more than 50 days with no load shedding was between December 2021 and February 2022.

"The Generation Operational Recovery Plan, which commenced in March 2023, is the reason for the improvement in the reliability of the generation fleet, with its focus on accelerating and executing planned maintenance, online preventative maintenance, major plant refurbishment and life extension project," said Eskom Spokesperson Daphne Mokwena.

With the colder winter season creeping in, Mokwena said that the power utility's winter outlook remains unchanged.

"Currently, our generation performance surpasses the winter forecast for this year, which anticipated a likely scenario of unplanned outages ranging from 14,000MW to 15,500MW, with load shedding limited to Stage 2."

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