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Sabah AGC replaces law firm in representing state in 40% revenue challenge

Sabah AGC replaces law firm in representing state in 40% revenue challenge

Source: Daily Express Sabah

PETALING JAYA: "This was not advanced or submitted in the High Court by the state government. The state government also retracts the submission referring to Articles 112C and 112D of the Federal Constitution as 'an aspiration' and not a mandatory or absolute right of Sabah.

"As the state government did not appeal against the decision of the High Court on Nov 11, the state government accepts the outcome as granted, namely, that leave be granted for the matter to be ventilated on the merits at the substantive hearing of the judicial review application."


Nor Asiah, who faced calls to resign after Tengku Fuad contradicted the state government's stand, also gave assurance that the Sabah attorney-general was fully committed to upholding the state's rights as outlined under the constitution and Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

SLS filed the judicial review application in 2022 to overturn the gazetting by the federal government of a RM125.6 million annual grant for Sabah, claiming that it violated the state's revenue rights under MA63.

SPONSORED CONTENT Electrifying windows of opportunity in Sabah - The right policies, collaborations, and strategies can turn emerging opportunities into victories for all parties in Sabah. CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Noor's 2021 Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya Plan and the Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) have laid out a road map to an exciting future for all Sabahans, with a target of increasing Sabah's income levels and GDP per capita from about RM 23,000 to about RM 40,000 by 2030. Read more On Nov 11, 2022, the Kota Kinabalu High Court granted SLS's application for leave, ruling that the society had locus standi to seek judicial review as the case was one of public interest.

The federal government appealed against the decision while the federal AGC obtained a stay order to stop the High Court from hearing the merits of the case pending the appeal.


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