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Sabah's largest tahfiz school ready in 2027

Sabah's largest tahfiz school ready in 2027

Source: Daily Express Sabah

Kota Kinabalu: The State's largest tahfiz school for orphans and the underprivileged in Benoni, Papar, is slated for completion by 2027.

It is undertaken by Sabah Islamic Religious Council (Muis) in collaboration with peninsula-based tahfiz crowd funder Rezeki Infaq.


Muis Supreme Council Member Datuk Mohd Dandan said a charitable individual had donated a six-acre plot (wakaf) for the school.

"A site visit was carried out on Wednesday and groundwork has begun. Hopefully, there won't be any obstacles.

SPONSORED CONTENT Electrifying windows of opportunity in Sabah - The right policies, collaborations, and strategies can turn emerging opportunities into victories for all parties in Sabah. CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Panglima Hajiji Noor's 2021 Hala Tuju Sabah Maju Jaya Plan and the Sabah Economic Development and Investment Authority (SEDIA) have laid out a road map to an exciting future for all Sabahans, with a target of increasing Sabah's income levels and GDP per capita from about RM 23,000 to about RM 40,000 by 2030. Read more "It can house 350 children at a time but will also be open for adults since there are many who want to complete their al-Quran studies.

"Based on the size, it will become the biggest Tahfiz in Sabah and hopefully, it can continue to be expanded.


"Tahfiz schools in Sabah are like mushrooms after rain but what Muis is trying to do is make this one a benchmark, to show that tahfiz schools in Sabah can be managed correctly," said Mohd Dandan after the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the two parties at Dewan Saadah at Wisma Muis recently.

The project, costing about RM2 million, will be completed with a surau, hostel, classes and recreation centre.


It is hoped that the school would produce students who are sharp in religious knowledge especially those coming from underprivileged backgrounds, he said.

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