Curfew extended in St Andrew South - Jamaica Observer

Source: Jamaica Observer
ST ANDREW, Jamaica -- A 48-hour curfew extension has been imposed in the Tavares Gardens, Myrie Avenue and Mckoy Lane communities of the St Andrew South Division.
The curfew began at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, June 11 and will remain in effect until 6:00 pm on Thursday, June 13.
The boundaries of the curfew are:
North: From Oakland Road and Selassie Drive intersection to Howard Avenue and South Anderson intersection.
East: From Oakland Road and Selassie Drive intersection travelling along Oakland to Spanish Town Road intersection.
South: From Oakland Road to Spanish Town Road and to Delacree Lane intersection.
West: From Delacree Lane to Spanish Town Road intersection following an imaginary line to Howard Avenue vicinity of South Anderson intersection.
During the hours of the curfew, all individuals within its boundaries are required to remain within their premises, unless otherwise authorised by the ground commander.