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Hawks officer set to face cross-examination in Nafiz Modack trial

Hawks officer set to face cross-examination in Nafiz Modack trial

Source: EWN Traffic
Author: Carlo Petersen

CAPE TOWN - The testimony of Hawks officer Edward du Plessis against alleged underworld kingpin, Nafiz Modack, is set to come to an end in the Western Cape High Court on Wednesday.

Du Plessis has provided evidence, which includes cellphone extraction reports and financial audits, related to the 124 charges that Modack and his 14 co-accused face.

Following his testimony, Du Plessis will be cross-examined by defence attorneys for the accused.

Du Plessis's evidence sets to prove Modack paid some of the accused to commit crimes to further his criminal enterprise.

A cellphone extraction report presented to the court by Du Plessis implicates Zane Kilian for allegedly tracking top cop, Charl Kinnear, up to the day of his murder in September 2020.

Financial audits of a company, Empire Investment Cars, which is owned by another accused, Adiel Mukudam, show Kilian and at least four other co-accused were being paid from the company's bank account over a one-year period between 2019 and 2020.

Bank statements during the same period show a monthly salary of R100,000 was being paid to Mukudam's personal bank account.

However, the bank card linked to that account was later found in a car Modack was sitting in during his arrest in April 2021.

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