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Sahar Took Furlough From Gaza Fighting, Completed Conversion And Got Married: 'He's A Jew!' - VINnews

Sahar Took Furlough From Gaza Fighting, Completed Conversion And Got Married: 'He's A Jew!' - VINnews

Author: Yehuda Dov

JERUSALEM (VINnews) -- For Sahar Karasco, the current war in Israel came just at the wrong time - as he was completing his conversion to Judaism and preparing to wed his sweetheart Reut Rahamim of Ashkelon. Sahar (27), who serves in the 9208 battalion in the Negev brigade, was called up to reserve duty and participated in the battles in Beit Hanoun. He continued his tour of duty until January, serving as a combat medic.

Born as Jorge in Peru, Sahar was influenced by his Jewish grandfather (mother's father) to want to immigrate to Israel. Arriving in 2007, Sahar began his conversion procedure during his regular IDF service but didn't complete it. After meeting Reut, Sahar decided to continue the process, mentored by his teachers Bat Chen Steinmetz and Noam Cohen - a couple with six children.

In August he did a Bris Milah but did not receive his certificate before the war. Noam was also called up to reserve duty and thus could not help him prepare for the final stage of the conversion. "I was worried that something would happen to me G-d forbid and I hadn't yet completed the process," Sahar said. "I had a feeling that I wouldn't feel complete until I finished it. I really wanted it. It was most important to me that my children and grandchildren should be Jews. I was so proud to convert during this period."

Reut (26) added that "In a period when they are trying to kill all of us, this is the will to do the opposite - to bring more life and more Jews to the world, and show we're here to stay."

When Sahar received a furlough, Reut managed to organize the final procedure for him, and Noam prepared him for his wedding via video chats from the battle zone while Bat Chen prepared Reut for her role.

In a whirlwind procedure, Sahar managed to go to the final conversion hearing, immerse in a Mikva and shortly afterwards wed Reut in a small family affair. Sahar's commander Yair Ben David had heard about his story and gave him the furlough needed to finish the process, stating "I want you to go and come back here as a Jew."

A week after the wedding, Sahar was back on the battlefield, as his friends sang to him "He's a Jew, he's a Jew" and danced with him happily.

Under the Chupa, Sahar adopted the family name of his Jewish grandfather - Jorge Yitzchak Edri, who was born in Morocco and died when Sahar was an infant. He says that after Edri's death, the family members decided to immigrate and realize his dream of living in Israel.

Sahar adds that the story of Ruth, read on Shavuot, is very close to his heart. "My cousin who also converted while in the army is named Ruth, as she so loved the story and identified with her.

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