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"NO TOUCHING! NO TOUCHING!" -- Man shouts at LRT passenger for "tapping" his wife on her back to offer her a seat - Singapore News

"NO TOUCHING! NO TOUCHING!"  --  Man shouts at LRT passenger for "tapping" his wife on her back to offer her a seat - Singapore News

Source: The Independent
Author: Yoko Nicole

SINGAPORE: A man got shouted at in LRT after "tapping" a woman on the back to offer her his seat.

Recounting the incident on r/singaporehappenings, the man explained that he and his girlfriend were riding the LRT on their way home when they noticed that a woman and her daughter, who was about four years old, were having difficulty standing in the crowded train.

"So we did stand up and as I stood, I tapped the back of the mother to offer her the seat, and then the husband beside her began shouting like 'NO TOUCHING, NO TOUCHING!" the man said.

"He said so many things, like racial discrimination, like 'just because its ok in your country to touch woman in public, means its ok to do that here in Singapore (?)."

Feeling exhausted and not wanting to argue, the man politely explained to the woman's husband that he was merely offering his seat.

However, the woman's husband kept ranting, ignoring his explanation. Meanwhile, their daughter, clearly worried, kept trying to calm her dad, calling out, "Paaaaaaa, Paaaaaaa," to make him stop.

"The mother was just silent and I dont blame her, maybe everyone was tired as it is 10:30 pm already. Just a male version of Karen pops up."

After this incident, the man resolved not to offer his seat anymore to avoid any misunderstandings in the future.

In the comments section, Singaporean Redditors praised the man for his kindness.

They encouraged him not to let the unpleasant encounter in the LRT deter him from doing good deeds for strangers, especially those in need, like the elderly or women.

One Redditor commented that the world needs more individuals like him who are willing to extend a helping hand and make a positive difference in others' lives.

He also reminded the man that allowing negativity to dampen his spirit only hurts those who could benefit from his generosity the most.

Another Redditor chimed in, saying the woman's husband's reactions were weird and unnecessary.

He added that her husband should feel embarrassed about his behaviour because tapping someone on the shoulder or back is acceptable, especially in noisy environments.

A third Redditor said, "You didn't do anything wrong bro. Just unlucky to bump into siaolang. Don't let it affect your mood anymore and let him stay rent free in your head. You are a good person and did the right thing."

On the flip side, some Redditors disagreed, asserting that any form of physical contact without explicit permission is inappropriate, regardless of the situation.

They pointed out that some people may feel uneasy when touched by strangers or may misinterpret the intention behind such actions.

In light of this, they suggested alternative ways to get someone's attention respectfully. Rather than tapping, they proposed using gestures like waving or a non-intrusive way to catch someone's eye.

They also recommended verbal cues such as "excuse me" to initiate interaction.

One Redditor added, "Next time, just don't tap women. No physical touch is the best. Rather you wave your hands in front of the person's face than touch them physically.

There are many people who are very sensitive to them or their loved ones being touched."

Read also: Singaporean intern asks if sitting on Priority Seats on MRTs is okay if you feel tired or unwell

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