The BDP's long walk to regain Serowe

Source: Mmegi Online
Author: Tsaone Basimanebotlhe
SEROWE: Even though the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) star rallies in Palapye and Serowe were highly attended, they do not accurately reflect the situation on the ground. The party still has significant work to do. As the October General Election approaches, people from various regions gathered to socialise and enjoy the political excitement.
This is especially significant because such events were missed during the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, many attendees at these rallies do not represent the situation on the ground, as they came to support regions and hosts. The situation on the ground in Palapye and Serowe indicate that the Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) remains difficult to overcome, as many people still have faith in their chief and the BPF patron former president Ian Khama. Evidenced over the weekend, the BPF can hold successful rallies in these areas without needing to transport attendees from other regions by buses or combis.
While the BDP held rallies in Palapye and Serowe on Saturday and Sunday, the BPF also held theirs in Serowe and Palapye on Saturday and Sunday. It would seem as if Khama and his party were out to prove a point that while the BDP took time planning for the rallies, they would just spring out of nowhere to host competing rallies and flex their muscle in their stronghold, the Central region of the country. For the BDP to reclaim its former stronghold, they must face reality and work diligently, developing strategies to win people back to the party. Simply stating that he would not handcuff Khama upon his return to Botswana is far from being enough to endear Bagammangwato to the BDP leader President Mokgweetsi Masisi. Rather it sparked outrage towards the President. Social media went abuzz with Khama's supporters attacking Masisi for what he thought would be a welcome gesture as they questioned Masisi's powers to tell the police how to carry out their mandate. It would seem like the recent court case launched by Khama calling for removal of Acting Regent of Bangwato, Serogola Seretse, to install his desired regent, Seretse Peter Khama, has also set the BDP a step back. This is after it emerged from the court proceedings that Masisi's government through Minister Kgotla Autlwetse questioned the legitimacy of Khama's chieftainship. Additionally, the BDP needs to introduce new faces, rather than individuals known to oppose the Khama family, as such new representatives are more likely to be listened to and accepted than those perceived as enemies. Regarding the selection of candidates for Members of Parliament, the BDP has made an effort to introduce entirely new faces compared to previous candidates.