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PM Lawrence Wong calls for Singapore to embrace broader definition of success

PM Lawrence Wong calls for Singapore to embrace broader definition of success

Source: CNA

SINGAPORE: Widening the definition of success and building a society that leaves room for experiments and pauses so that Singaporeans can strive to be the best possible versions of themselves.

This is what Prime Minister Lawrence Wong hopes to achieve as he outlined his vision for the country, in a video message to Singaporeans on Saturday (Jun 22).

"My team and I want to build a society that allows space for u-turns, side steps, slowdowns, pauses, experimentations and outliers," he said.

"We want to broaden our concept of achievement. Beyond academic credentials, we are taking proactive steps to value the contributions of every worker in every profession and every field.

"I need your help to do more as a society. Let us make a commitment to one another," Mr Wong added, as he urged Singaporeans to celebrate every kind of success, respect all forms of work and never be afraid to try.

In the six-minute-long clip, Mr Wong said that one topic that often came up in his interactions with Singaporeans is "the Singapore dream", and what success means for Singaporeans as a people.

He recalled the 5Cs - cash, car, credit card, condo, country club - that success was perceived to be in the past.

Such a narrow definition of success can lead to negative consequences, he added, as society becomes more frenetic and competition more toxic as people seek to outdo each other.

It results in Singaporeans becoming more anxious and stressed, and passing it on to their children.

This, he said, is not the society that he wants Singapore to become and certainly not one that he hopes future generations grow up in.

"I want to see a Singapore where every Singaporean matters, where everyone is valued for who he or she is. One where we can all strive to be the best possible versions of ourselves. One where our success is defined by how we help each other to do well collectively," he said.

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