2024: The Year The Israel Lobby Loses Its Grip On The World | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis - Russia News Now

Source: TheRussophiles
Israel cannot defeat Hamas. Israel cannot defeat Hezbollah. Israel cannot defeat Iran. So the Israeli leadership has decided to go to war with Hezbollah knowing that a sufficient number of atrocities will bring Iran and hopefully the US into the war. They hope that the US will blow up the Mideast and somehow the Israeli politicians will still have jobs and the Israeli voters will have a half way livable country.
But they seem to ignore what is happening in Yemen. The US cannot defeat the Houthis and are in no position to fight Iran. The US seems to believe the propaganda written by the Military Industrial Complex. In reality both Russian and Iranian radar can detect stealth aircraft. And the Patriot anti-aircraft and missile defense system is highly inferior to the old Soviet S-300 which first saw duty 46 years ago in 1978.
NATO (which should stand for Not Altogether Thought Out) allowed the US and possibly Britain to attack and destroy 2 Russian long range radar systems that would have alerted them and their Iranian allies of an Israeli attack. Putin responded by sending advanced missiles to all US adversaries around the world in preparation for the next phase which most likely would be an attack on Lebanon.
Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah responded by releasing a 10 minute video taken in daylight by drones of lucrative targets in and around Haifa. Lots of chemical and petroleum storage units. Lots of industrial targets from Rafael Industries, an Israeli state owned company that supplies them with advanced weapons.
Nasrallah also said they had new weapons the Israelis and Americans did not know they have. That was the case in 2006 when Hezbollah used an anti-ship missile that killed half a dozen Israel sailors taking their ship out of action.
I am thinking of more advanced drones, a more precise long range missile and maybe some anti-aircraft weapons for use against helicopters and jets. The Russians have developed a tactic of combining drones and missiles to successfully attack in coordinated waves sites protected by US Patriot systems in the Ukraine.
The Houthis recently sank a ship using a naval drone. I would not be surprised to see Hezbollah using naval drones against Israel and even the US and Cyprus.
It seems Israel has been using Greek Cypriot air bases for training purposes to attack Lebanon.
Nasrallah responded by saying that if Cyprus allowed Israel to use its bases to attack Hezbollah, then Cyprus would become a target. Cyprus immediately responded by saying they have no intention of attacking Lebanon. The Greek Cypriots know that there is a large Turkish presence on their island so a Turkish response would be devastating to them and to Israel. Hopefully, Cyprus will stay out thus keeping Turkey's very formidable armed forces out of this conflict which could quickly escalate into World War III.
There are a few other paths to Thermonuclear war.
Israel facing devastating losses in Haifa could in desperation use tactical nuclear weapons in Lebanon at those hardened Hezbollah sites. 90% of Muslims around the world are already enraged over the Genocide in Gaza but using tactical nukes would force Muslim leaders to take action against Israel and the US. As previously noted, Putin has been sending more advanced missiles to US adversaries around the world. The US has armed forces in Jordan, Israel, Syria and Iraq. Iraq has asked them to leave. Iran might give their friendly militias in Iraq a greenlight to use much more deadly force against American military forces in Iraq, Syria and Jordan.
Iran would be forced into the conflict over the issue of war crimes committed in Lebanon by Israel. First, Iran could close the Straits of Hormuz to oil exports sending petroleum prices at least 500% higher. This could destroy the economy of the world except for those who get their oil from Russia, Iran and Venezuela though at this point some African states might switch sides and support BRICS, Russia, China and Iran.
In October there will be a BRICS meeting in Russia. Sergey Glazyev is the Minister for Macroeconomics for the Eurasian Union. Pepe Escobar has reported that he wants to offer Debt Cancellation to the Third World. His plan is to let all BRICS members and the Third World to refuse to repay any loan denominated in dollars, pounds, euros and yen. This would devastate all economies outside BRICS and the Third World. It would be in retaliation to the $2 trillion plus dollars taken from Russia, Iran, Venezuela and others not bowing down to our Wall Street dictators. The US killed 500,000 plus children in Iraq and 300,000 plus citizens of both Syria and Yemen.
If Putin unleashed Debt Cancellation this summer, it would launch Nationwide Food Riots in America. It would also do great harm to our Allies. And it would leave Israel alone to fight against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria and maybe even Turkey.
Iran could launch a series of combined missile and drone attacks against Israel's airbases. The US army invented proximity fuses in 1940. It uses radio waves to detect how far a missile is from its target. The idea is to explode the bomb over a base and destroy more equipment and personnel. The Israel has lots of F-16s. They require the tarmac to be vacuumed of any debris before their jets can take to the air. Iran could take down Israel's Air Force which is their only effective fighting force. This combined with thousands of drones and missiles could lead to an Israeli defeat and the pull out of all settlers and the Israeli military from Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.
That leads to the Third Path to Thermonuclear war which is the Samson Option.
The Israelis received submarines from Germany and have missiles with nuclear warheads. The plan is to fire nuclear weapons simultaneously at NATO and Russia hoping they can start a Global Thermonuclear war and end life as we knew it on planet earth.
All of this could easily happen because the Zionists refuse to give up the non-existent right to commit Genocide.
Mark Twain once said, "America has the best Congress money can buy."
It is no secret that Israel controls the US Congress and the British parliament. The theft of tens of trillions of dollars from federal agencies has been well documents by Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr Mark Skidmore. They use a small fraction of that money to buy politicians.( See references below). I believe they will stay bought until food and gasoline prices are driven 500% higher by Israel and their Zionists friends in the US, the UK, Canada, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
The House passed a bill requiring all adult males from 18 to 26 to register for the draft. Some want to draft women as well. There is strong opposition to all these unwinnable forever wars that only enrich Defense contractors. I saw the meme below at Zerohedge.
2024 might just be the year in which the entire world rejects Zionism.
2024 could be the year in which the American voters learn just how much the Zionist domination of their Congress, their President, his cabinet, the media and academic institutions is costing them. If not in 2024, certainly in 2025.