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Shortage of paddy results in 'extreme shortage' of brown rice - The Fiji Times

Shortage of paddy results in 'extreme shortage' of brown rice - The Fiji Times

Source: The Fiji Times
Author: Anish Chand

Fiji Rice Pte Ltd (FRL) says a shortage of paddy in the country has resulted in "extreme shortage" of its brand brown rice.

In a statement, the company said the paddy supply to its mill had been very low for the last six months while the demand for local rice had increased.

"This shortage has been beyond the control of FRL. The drop in rice production or supply was due to excessive rain from November 2022," said the company.

"Farmers were not able to prepare the land for planting, while the increase in input cost was also an added factor together with the shortage of labour and machinery. In certain areas pest and diseases also affected the crop."

FRL said it was working with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Public Enterprises and rice farmers to normalise supply.

"The Government provided Fiji Rice a planting grant of $150,000 this year while the Ministry of Agriculture continues to assist farmers with land preparation, subsidy on weedicide and fertilisers, seeds and drainage works.

"The company expects the supply to normalise by February 2024 while the current harvest from off season being below expectation will be supplied to markets as and when the received from the farmers."